“Robert Stright is a brilliant, original vibist” according to Harvey Pekar, of Jazziz Magazine. Stright has performed with Ed Schuller, Joe Lovano, Victor Lewis, Ed Shaughnessy and Seamus Blake. His CD recordings with Scott Fields ensemble have received international critical acclaim. Stright received his Doctorate of Musical Arts in composition at the University of Wisconsin. Two of his compositions for percussion won the Percussive Arts Society international composition contest and are published by Ludwig Music Co. He plays drums and vibes for Indianapolis Jazz Orchestra and the Stardusters Jazz Orchestra, Stardusters Swing Band, local jazz group OffRamp, and has even tickled the ivories at the Malibu Grill. Robert teaches the history of Jazz at Indiana University. Robert Stright and Sarah Flint produced the Sarah’s Swing Set CDs in his studio.
Sarah Flint was written up in Bloom magazine as one of the top 25 Jazz musicians in Bloomington. Her voice has carried her overseas several times and all over the United States with Dr. Bop and the Headliners (as one of the Valendez Sisters, Ruthy) and with her husband, Tim Tryon in the group StoneRoad. Her vocals appear on over 30 CD’s including John Mellencamp, & John P Strom. Sarah played flute and guitar for the singer/songwriter duet, The Royals. They’re live CD was one of the first recorded at WFHB Community Radio. Those from Bloomington know her as “the nightingale of the (Bloomington Community Farmer’s) market” playing solo often there since 1991. For the last 7 years Sarah has been the vocalist in the Stardusters Swing Band and the Stardusters Jazz Orchestra, and sang 4 songs on their CD. Sarah teaches guitar and voice in downtown Bloomington and produces live shows and CD’s for her students and recently released a cd (2014) with 4 part gurl harmony: Hoosier Darling aka The GoZpel GurlZ. She and Bob began Sarah’s Swing Set in 2003 and produced the Sarah’s Swing Set CDin 2004 and their holiday collection: The Perfect Gift in 2006.